Wednesday 18 December 2019

Day 3 SLJ

Today  we have another activity to do, we used any powers to be helpful and do good thing and save stuff.We only have as much choices of superpowers and we only have the powers for 1 day.The powers i would have would be invisibility and the superpower would be opening portals and the my other power would be the super power controlling minds.   

.Able to control criminals and make them be good and helpful.

.I could portal criminals to prison.

I could  be invertible and guard the bank and when people try to steel i stop them.

Blog you later if you have time please leave a comment.


  1. Hello Dustinen,

    My name is Toe'umu, I got to room 6 at wesley intermediate school. While being teached by Miss peterson. I like how you've added a picture to make it look more interesting! Nice work. This reminds me of when I had to do this activity a few minuets ago. Maybe next time you could make your credits a little bit smaller.

    Blog ya later,
    Toe'umu. :)

  2. Nǐ hǎo Dusty,

    Thank you for posting about the three superpower you’d choose - I really enjoyed reading them! I also like how you have added an image of a superhero! Who is your favourite movie character superhero? If I was to choose a superpower I would choose teleportation because being able to travel the world and not have to pay for flights would be amazing!

    Next time you blog just be mindful of what colour writing works on what colour background, as the red and blue background with the black writing was quite hard to read. Also remember when you use images from the internet, make sure you attribute the image - this just means copy the link from where you found the image and put it next to the image on the poster, so we can see exactly where you found it :)

    Thanks for posting! Have a brilliant day,

  3. Sup Dusty and I want to say how did you make a cookies. Why did you put an crying emogie and if I had a power I would have that I could wish for anything and I can fly. I wish I could eat a banana cake but I can't because I am allergic to it. Maybe you can add a little bit more information. See you later Blogger


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