Hey bloggers,
On Monday all the Year fives were at school while the Year 6s went on a trip. First we were talking about the well being survey and it was quiet because all of the Year 6s are gone. So we talked about the survey .
Then we walked around till Ms McGrath stopped the music and had to say 3 things that we are grateful for today, but I could hardly hear the music so we stopped some times waiting for all the kids to stop talking.
After we did a compliment circle and it was noticing something good about someone else other then your friends. T
hen we were learning how to make a fortune teller or chatter box. It was hard when we started because we had to make it out card board which made it even harder, I was getting confused because it was hard. I was following but when I was done we had to put are fingers through the holes and I had trouble moving them. Soon we had to colour them. I waited a long time because so much kids were grabbing colour pencils. I choose red, green, yellow and blue. I found it hard to colour because I did not know how to colour properly and there was white spots so much. After I had to chose Number or colour for the next part I choose number then I saw someone colouring it in an easier way to colour, I had done some of the white spots. Then I Was writing the messages on the bottom. I did some some about swimming, running, maths and reading, I had just finished before we had to stop.
After we had morning tea we did finishing then the Year 6s came.