Thursday, 20 May 2021

Year 5 with Ms McGrath

 Hey bloggers,

On Monday all the Year fives were at school while the Year 6s went on a trip. First we were talking about the well being survey and it was quiet because all of the Year 6s are gone. So we talked about the survey . 

Then we walked around till Ms McGrath stopped the music and had to say 3 things that we are grateful for today, but I could hardly hear the music so we stopped some times waiting for all the kids to stop talking. 

After we did a compliment circle and it was noticing something good about someone else other then your friends. T

hen we were learning how to make a fortune teller or chatter box. It was hard when we started because we had to make it out card board which made it even harder, I was getting confused because it was hard. I was following but when I was done we had to put are fingers through the holes and I had trouble moving them. Soon we had to colour them. I waited a long time because so much kids were grabbing colour pencils. I choose red, green, yellow and blue. I found it hard  to colour because I did not know how to colour properly and there was white spots so much. After I had to chose Number or colour for the next part I choose  number then I saw someone colouring it in an easier way to colour, I had done some of the white spots. Then I  Was writing the messages on the bottom. I did some some about swimming, running, maths and reading, I had just finished before we had to stop. 

After we had morning tea we did finishing then the Year 6s came.


  1. Good to see lots of writing about this morning block Dusty. Remember to add some pictures of what you did. I changed your spelling on the words colour, not color, and because, not cause. Maybe use these in your spelling list next week.

  2. I'm pleased to see that you felt compelled to write a blog post about our activity Dustine, thank you! Our morning was based all around 'Wellbeing'. When we were undertaking the Compliment Circle, it was really powerful hearing the things that people were focusing upon. Perhaps you could explain to your readers in a different post, exactly how the Compliment Circle works (eg. that we focus upon actions and personality attributes rather than physical aspects). It's great to see that you were able to apply your friends' technique of colouring/labelling - it is a fabulous way to learn, learning from our peers. Could you share some of the inspiring messages that you included in your chatterbox? Thanks for your input on the day Dustine - it was lovely working with the Year Fives!

  3. Kia ora Dustine, I am Thomas from Saint Marys School in Gisborne.
    Did you make the chatterboxes out of origami paper or normal paper? How long Were the year sixes away for? I remember when i tried to make a chatter box it did not go successfully.
    From Thomas


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