Friday 21 August 2020

Baking fried bread.

 On Tuesday I was doing my work i went to get a snack then my sister  Angina was making fried bread I asked if I could help she said yes so I was rolling the dough then my sister told me to get a small bit of water then she poured a small bit but did to much so then she was squeezing it and rolling it around the she poured flour on the table and put it there then she was rolling it again then we finished and put the oil in it then.We put them in the the firer and I put the first one in then my sister said lets put two in we did but she droped it a tiny bit me two the i burnt my finger it hurt but i was okay,the we flipped it so both sides would get cooked the we finished.


  1. Talofa Dustine. Your fried breads looks yummy, I'm sure it tasted yummy too! I really like that you helped your sister make the fried bread. It made me think about my kids baking together at home. Maybe next time you can include the recipe so that others can have a go too. Malo lava!

  2. Talofa Dustine. This looks delicious - no doubt it was really yum. You and Angina seem like a bit of a team in the kitchen! I agree with Sally - a recipe would be great for others to be able to learn from you. Great post Dustine.

  3. Hi Dustine. I really like that you put in photos of you and Angelina. It made me think about baking with my Mum and Rael. Have you thought about checking your work before you publish? Great blog post. If you would like to see my learning, my class blog is


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