Thursday 24 September 2020

Rocket experiment

 Hello bloggers.

This week, on Tuesday, we were making paper rockets. Our teacher, Mr Riceman, tested it first. Some of us predicted how far it would go. When he first tried, it did not go then we told him how to improve his design, then it worked but only went a small distance. For the topping some kids said that it looked like a Chinese tradition hat. The teacher let us choose which one we wanted to do the the paper one or the virtual. Some people chose the paper, but I chose the virtual. When you did it you had to try not to blow the rocket ship up. It was easy until Mr Riceman told us to put the drag and mass on. I tried a lot but I didn't get it correct until the last time...I tried - I did it! We learned what the distance from one side of the circle to the opposite side is called the diameter.  From halfway across the circle to the outside edge is called the radius. Here is the link to what we did. 


  1. Hello Dustin. Its me Jacob from Te Waka Ako. I really the way that you have used to much good texture. You have added positive and good details and ideas. I also liked it how you put your feelings inside too. Maybe next time you could add photos. Thank you for shearing with me. Blog you later!!!.

  2. Hi Dustin this is Mason from the seiner. I really like how you write about you guys making paper rocket. This remand me of us making wore own rocket.

  3. Hello Dusty, my name is Ros, in Te Waka Ako. I'm very impressed of how much you learned, it reminds me of me learning the differences between the distance and diameter. We also learned how the rocket worked. And the one thing I like most was how you changed it. Also the link was amazing! Blog you later!


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