Thursday, 25 November 2021

Being back at school

Kia oro bloggers

Today I going to tell you all about being back at school. On Monday and Tuesday I go back to school. It has been fun, But we are split into bubbles so we are not we are normal class. I like that there is less people in the class. I like swimming because we swim every Tuesday. But I was kind of nervous on the first day back and I hate wearing a mask. And do not like waking up very early and going to sleep early. Blog you later

1 comment:

  1. This is a comment from Mrs Butler...

    Talofa Dustine. It is hard waking up early on school days, I can understand that. You have adjusted well into Bubble 4 and have been a good example to others wearing your mask without a fuss to keep us all safe. It’s great they can come off outside now! Thank goodness we can go swimming too! Thanks for sharing your feelings in your blog. Kia kaha.

    Mrs Butler


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