Hello bloggers,
Today I am writing about today's task. So today we had to do black out poem. So we had to get a news paper and ask if we can black it out, then if they say yes you can get markers. And then you read it and look for the words that are more interesting and color the outsides of it. And probably don't go over the lines heaps of times. And then once your done doing that, cut the outside of the article you colored in and then your done. You can share the black poem with anyone if you want to. Here is the link to the video. And if you cant read the words properly the words are covid 19, Auckland, Pasifika, programma, existing, trusted, decide, vaccinate, Waitemata and whanau. And I chose those words because all of this is happening. Hope you enjoyed reading if there is any mistakes please comment and give feedback or misspelling.
Blog you later😎